Welcome to Callahan Boats
About Us

We are a full-service sales and professional repair center. Callahan offers top-notch propeller repair and can save you 50 percent or more of a new propeller when we repair yours. We routinely provide same-week turnaround when your propeller arrives at Callahan Boats by Tuesday of the week.

Sales Center
Callahan Boats is also a marine sales center. We proudly offer some of the best boats available - including War Eagle and Southfork - with high standards for a dry ride, quality craftsmanship, and multi-sport performance (from bass fishing to racing to just plain pleasure cruising).

Peace of Mind
Our boats' safety, comfort, and solid construction define peace of mind -- especially when teamed with an Evinrude, Mercury, Yamaha, or Tohatsu fuel-efficient outboard motor.

Remember, Preventive Maintenance is Part of Safe Boating.
Contact Us
Better yet, see us in person!
We love our customers, so feel free to visit.
Callahan Boats
Prop Repair/Service: (936) 674-7659
Parts/Pricing: (936) 632-1144

Contact Us
Better yet, see us in person!
We love our customers, so feel free to visit.
Callahan Boats
Prop Repair/Service: (936) 674-7659
Parts/Pricing: (936) 632-1144